What Does It Mean To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle?
Living a healthy lifestyle is not about restricting yourself, as it is unfortunately often perceived to be. Living healthy lifestyle is all about having fun taking care of yourself, prioritizing small habits and rituals that nourish you from within and make you come alive.
Self-Care: Expensive Luxury or Daily Necessity?
The high pace of modern lives underlines the importance of self-care more and more. Yet, it is often spoken of as something selfish or even self-indulgent. But is it really?
Upgrade Your Habits, Upgrade Your Life
The secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine. So if you want to make a positive change in your life, you have to take a look at things you do daily. This article explores 5 healthy and mindful habits to help you upgrade your life.
Everyday Mindfulness Guide
Being more mindful, present and aware in our daily routines has various benefits for our mental, physical and emotional health. And with ever increasing pace and pressure of our every day lives, it has never been more important to cultivate grounding and calming practices.
Cultivating A Mindset Of Abundance
Where your attention goes, energy flows. Or as somebody once said: “The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see”. This article explores simple, yet effective tools and mindfulness practices and techniques to help you cultivate and sustain a positive mindset.