Transformative Power Of Little Right Actions
If you find yourself standing at a crossroads with a choice of following the path of your current lifestyle and current habits, and forging a new path of your desired lifestyle and desired habits, you may wonder: how do I start, and how do I close the gap between where I am and where I want to go?
When embarking on a journey of cultivating healthy, mindful, thriving and conscious habits to pave the way for a healthy body, strong mind and abundant soul, we often either fall into the trap of quick-fixes, searching for that one life hack to transform our lifestyle with the least amount of effort possible, or we overcomplicate the roadmap, overwhelming ourselves with black-and-white approach. However, the truth is: all big things come from small beginnings, rather than radical changes and over-night, all-or-nothing transformations.
Which is why the biggest secret to success in this (and probably any) area of life is taking consistent, little right actions.
If we split our day into parts, the majority of it is made of is small choices: what to have for breakfast, how to commute to work, what to cook for dinner, how to structure the day, what to do with our time. Many of these choices might be, yet, unconscious, but facts remain facts: we make a good handful of them every day.
How about, next time you face an opportunity to make a choice, you choose an option more aligned with your desired goals and habits. Perhaps, if you wish to improve your mental health, instead of looking at your phone first thing in the morning, you turn to a journal page and express your gratitude? Or if your goal is to move more, instead of taking an elevator at your workplace, you take the stairs? And perhaps, if one of your aspirations is cultivating loving, supportive and strong relationships, instead of putting on the latest Netflix show, you take some time for a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one?
What if you embrace the transformative power of little right actions, rather than limitations, rules and radical changes?
A glass of water first thing in the morning, before you reach out for coffee. A walk outside, before you watch a movie. A side of green salad with your favorite meal. Going to bed earlier, rather than spending the evening scrolling through social media.
“In fact, making a choice that is 1% better or 1% worse seems insignificant at the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime, these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be”
If you want to predict the outcome of an area of your life, all you have to do is to follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line. Because it is all about the small, even tiny things - the little right actions - that we take every day that matter, not what we do once in a while.
Are you moving your body each week? Are you sleeping enough? Are you reading and learning something new? Tiny battles and choices like these will define your future self. When we elevate the inputs - our daily habits, the outputs - our goals and intentions - will fix themselves.
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine”
Change is easier when it is made more simple, doable, and fun. But most importantly, change is made one little step at a time, which eventually accumulates into a well-established path of daily habits and a way of living that resonates and aligns with your vision, goals and desires.
So next time you feel overwhelmed by the journey ahead, be it towards more energy, better mental health, more joy, a happy life, thriving health, better relationships, more healing, or something else that you walk towards - ask yourself, what little right action can you take today that will bridge the gap between where you are now and where you wish to go?
Meet yourself where you are and take one little step in the right direction. Then another one. And before you know it, it will create a ripple effect in your life, inspiring and motivating you to keep going.