The Hardware & Software Of A Healthy Mind
Our minds hold an enormous power. In fact, everything in our lives starts in our minds. Our thoughts, our self-talk, our beliefs, be they positive or limiting beliefs, all create this lens that we see and perceive ourselves and the world around us through, which ultimately impacts our actions and creates our lives.
But how do we take good care of our mind in order to be able to access its full potential and cultivate a thriving, positive and abundant mindset?
In this article, let’s take a look at the physical organ that profoundly impacts our psychological health - our brain - and discover simple and natural ways to optimize its physical health, so we can enjoy a better mental well-being.
The Dance Between Body And Brain
Our brain constantly scans inputs from our external environment that have an impact on our mood, stress levels and mental well-being: everyday stressors, noise, surroundings, information, and anything else that appears on our brain’s radar.
However, did you know that our brain also scans the input from our biological, internal environment that our body signals to our brain, which also have a profound effect on how we feel, not only physically, but also mentally: hydration, sleep, stress levels, nourishment, and movement.
Similarly, our mind can influence our biology with the thoughts that we think, worries, beliefs or self-talk we embody in either a positive and energizing manner, or as often is the case - in a more negative way. However, our biology can also prevent or help us cope with stress and anxiety more effectively, or help alleviate negative mindset easier through the tools of proper nourishment, rest, movement, sleep and hydration.
The Hardware Of The Brain
According to the world renowned psychiatrist and mental health advocate dr Daniel Amen, who over the course of his life-long career has scanned and looked at more than 200.000 different brains from 115 different countries, the biological and physiological health of our brain can be described as the hardware.
When the brain’s biology is healthy, different factors work together in a positive way to maximize our success and sense of well-being. When any biological issues in the brain are troubled, we are more likely to suffer from a wide variety of symptoms, ranging from mood swings and negative outlook, to stress and anxiety.
The Software Of The Brain
When the hardware is taken properly care of through consuming a brain-healthy diet, exercising daily to boost blood flow to the brain, learning something new every day to activate the brain, and getting adequate sleep - the software, which is our psychological well-being that includes the way we think, feel and talk to ourselves, has the best possible foundation to thrive.
Tools To Optimize Your Brain Health
Here are five suggestions for habits to implement into your daily and weekly routines to take good care of your brain physically:
Daily movement: Prioritizing daily physical activity, whether that is a few minutes of morning stretches or simply walking more throughout the dat, not only keeps our bodies healthy and strong but also acts as a catalyst for a healthy and strong mind.
Good quality sleep: Sleeping well and enough is one of the most essential practices and life hacks for better mental and physical health and well-being. There is simply not one cell in our entire body and mind that does not benefit from good-quality sleep.
Inner nourishment: A natural diet rich on Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals provides fuel and creates foundation for a healthy and thriving mind. Food is one of the most important tools for optimal health and well-being - also when it comes to your mental health.
Meditation & deep breaths: Grounding yourself in the present moment and taking a few mindful deep breaths is not just a spiritual concept - it is a practical tool. When we meditate, we are taking a much needed break, so our body and mind can rest and recharge. Additionally, practicing mindfulness activates many healing processes in our body and mind. For example it helps alleviate stress and helps find a sense of calm. In fact, even dedicating as little as five minutes daily to meditate, or simply breathe deeply, can make a profound difference in our mental health and well-being.
Time in nature: The truth is, nature is so good and nourishing for us, for our body, mind and soul. Time and time again, studies show that nature has a profound healing effect on our stress levels and hormones (that are currently at their highest point in history), our sleep, our energy and mood, our nervous system, our wellbeing, our mental health, our brain - well, us as a whole.
Here are five suggestions for habits to implement into your daily and weekly routines to take good care of your brain psychologically:
Positive mindset: The stories you tell yourself and the thoughts you listen to every day shape your reality. Exchanging negative thoughts with positive self-talk and empowering affirmations can help rewire your mindset, cultivating more self-love, growth and a positive outlook on yourself and your life.
Meaningful connections: As human beings we are wired for connection, and it is one of our basic and most essential needs. That is why having positive, loving, uplifting and supportive relationships is so important for us as human beings, both for our mental and physical health and well-being and the quality of our life.
Moments of joy: Life gets instantly so much better when you invite more joy into it. And oftentimes it is not revealed to us in grand achievements or moments of breakthrough - it is hidden in the small, often unnoticeable, everyday moments filled with love, laughter, peace and gratitude that are not so small after all. Invite more joy into your life and lean into and savour those moments - however that looks like to you.
Gratitude: It has been scientifically proven that regular gratitude practice, such as gratitude journaling, increases personal joy, helps improve relationships, lowers symptoms of stress and anxiety, as well as elevates overall life satisfaction. For example, a handful of studies done by Robbert Emmons - one of the pioneers within the field of positive physiology - show that people who practice gratitude regularly tend to be mentally and physically healthier, happier and more fulfilled.
Digital breaks: Nowadays, we live in a digital era that not only provides creative opportunities and tools to connect, it also comes with a downside of overstimulating our brain and our senses that are not originally built for an onslaught of on- and offline impressions. Taking intentional breaks from screens can help restore mental balance and help you be more present in your life.
The Bottom Line
Cultivating a positive and confident mindset of abundance is in fact a two-way street that not only includes applying tools to rewire our current thought patterns and practice a positive attitude in life, but also includes tending to our physical health to make sure that our brain has all the necessary nutrients and fuel to thrive.