Going Back To Health & Well-Being Basics
We have been overcomplicating health for the past many years. Nowadays there is an overwhelming amount of information online, all telling us what to do and what not to do to be healthy.
There are so many different diets and ways of eating: vegan, paleo, keto, low carb, high carb, macrobiotics, blood type diets, and probably a hundred more, all emphasizing each own way of eating and being, followed by each own set of rules to follow. There are all sorts of exercises and workout plans, gyms, studios, and classes. There is biohacking, which is becoming increasingly popular, red-light therapy, cold plunges, and so much more.
It is amazing that we now know so much and have all these different tools at our disposal and we continue to discover the health benefits of these new practices and rituals.
However, more and more I witness that this knowledge and information creates more and more overwhelm and stress among people, thinking that we need to do ALL of the things to stay on top of our health and wellbeing. Sometimes, it creates a feeling of not knowing exactly what to do, not knowing where to start and what is healthy to eat at all, so we go back to not trying or doing anything at all.
It creates a larger gap between knowing and actually doing.
Time For A Fresh Perspective
In a world where we are constantly searching for quick fixes and shortcuts to our health and well-being, be it through another diet, biohacking, or the newest health trends, I view health and well-being as a series of consistent daily, little right actions, based on time-proven basics.
Health and well-being are not a particular destination in the future. The approach of "now you have meditated and exercised and eaten healthy for a certain amount of time and you feel great and you are all set and good" does not really work here. Health is more of a consistent daily practice, a daily priority of taking good care of your mind, body, and soul in whatever capacity you can that day, every day.
To make our health and well-being that daily priority and practice, we have to simplify it and make it doable and achievable for ourselves. Because we all lead busy lives with things to do and places to be, and health, in my opinion, is not supposed to be another stressor or another dreadful to-do on your list for the day. As a quote that I saw recently stated:
“If wellness is stressing you out, it is no longer wellness”
As I see it, health is about finding and incorporating simple practices that make you feel good in your body and your mind. Because health is a vehicle, it is what allows us to do all the things that we want to do and experience and accomplish. It is our greatest tool and most valuable asset. It is, as l like to say it, our wealth.
And most of the time, we already know what is truly healthy and good for us.
However, living in this high-paced, information-stuffed world, we are always searching for that next thing, the next shortcut that is going to fix us. And truth be told, that does not exist. There is no quick fix to health and well-being. There is no "one-size-fits-all" anything. It is a journey, it is a consistent daily practice.
In fact, I deeply believe that our body can actually heal itself by itself given only half a chance. It already knows what it needs to function and to thrive. Our body and mind are such fascinating creations that serve as the home that we live in every day, that automatically do all the things that keep us alive, and always regulate back to balance, unless we put it out of balance.
All we need to do is to give our body half a chance to heal itself and to thrive.
Closing The Gap Between Knowing And Doing
And it does not necessarily happen by knowing all there is to know, staying on top of all the latest trends, reading one more book, or going to another lecture. Do not get me wrong, I believe it is so important to keep learning, keep an open mind, and expose yourself to different perspectives to figure out what works best for you. But most importantly, I believe that it is crucial to understand what is fundamentally going on inside our bodies and minds and how we can best support them every day.
Because, although we are all different and lead different lifestyles, and have different needs and preferences, having been raised in and exposed to different cultures - at the same time, fundamentally, we are all the same. And I believe that it is important to go back and understand our basic, biological needs. Simply going back to the basics. Because although we have evolved SO MUCH throughout our time on planet Earth, our body has the same basic biological needs to truly thrive that it had a thousand years ago. Not to mention that our mind has not evolved much in the last few hundreds of thousands of years.
But by no means should you let the information paralyze, overwhelm, or stop you from actually taking proactive action toward taking good care of yourself and your health. Knowing is not enough. It has to be paired with action.
Less Is More
So the first step is going back to understanding our fundamental biological needs and how our body and mind actually function at their core. And truth be told, as human beings, we are fundamentally designed to thrive on movement, whole nutritious foods, adequate amounts of sleep, and proper hydration. We are built for connection with nature and each other. We are built for joy and a moderate pace of life. We thrive on natural inputs such as sunlight and fresh air, natural foods that our body can recognize and digest, movement, rest, and community. These are the simple basics that fuel us, that nourish us inside out, that give us energy and a sense of purpose.
And then, we need to simplify these things and convert them into little right actions that we can take every day to look after ourselves. Fundamentally, we are the same and we thrive on the same basic things. But here is where we differentiate. Some people love pilates, while others prefer walks. We live in different regions where different local foods are available. We lead different lifestyles and have different jobs. So the things that we are built and designed for, such as daily movement, nutritious foods and proper hydration, good quality sleep, mindfulness and intentional rest, time outdoors, gratitude and positive mindset, breaks and deep breaths, joy, and connection - all may look slightly different to each and every one of us.
But the key to sustainably making our health and well-being a doable everyday practice is the same: go back to simple, time-proven basics and simplify them to fit your lifestyle, routines, and preferences in a way that is achievable and enjoyable to YOU.
Taking Little Right Actions Every Day
You do not have to sweat at the gym for 2 hours every day. Perhaps you can incorporate more movement into your day by simply biking to work or going for a walk.
You do not have to go all dairy-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free overnight to achieve optimal health. Perhaps instead of radically removing things from your diet and restricting yourself and giving yourself all these rules to follow, you can simply focus on cooking at home more or ADDING more veggies to your favorite meals.
You do not necessarily need to invest a lot of money in energy-giving supplements. Perhaps all you need is to prioritize good quality sleep every night.
You do not have to meditate for 20 minutes every day straight away. Perhaps just taking a few deep breaths throughout the day will help you feel more grounded and calm.
You do not have to spend a lot of money on new gadgets, lots of supplements, or expensive specific foods that you are only going to make one recipe with. It does not have to be complicated, time-consuming, expensive, or overwhelming to look after yourself.
Go back to simple basics. Let us practice getting more in tune with our natural and simple, biological needs. Meet yourself where you are and take one little step in the right direction. Then another one. And before you know it, it will create a ripple effect in your life, inspiring and motivating you to keep going. When you feel less stress and more joy around positive changes, you’re more likely to succeed in making them a solid part of your life.
We already know what to do. All we need is to minimize and close the gap between knowing and actually doing by taking little right actions in whatever capacity we can every day. Because there is no shortcut or quick fix to health and well-being. Instead, there is a beautiful journey of learning to listen to your body, trying on different things finding what you enjoy and what works for you, leaving the rest, and making your health and well-being a daily priority in the smallest of ways. Because every little right action adds up and creates a massive positive change.
So what is one little right action you can start taking for your mind, one for your body, and one for your soul starting today?
Do not overcomplicate it. Just start.